The Calendar Page
Updated over a week ago

The Calendar Page offers you a steady stream of calendar events from each day's daily file that you can browse and add to your own calendar.

To get more specific results for calendar events, Abstract has included a series of filters located at the top of the page.

Date Range Filter

The date range filter allows you to filter all events by the days they are scheduled for. By default, the date range is selected to be the next seven days.

Floor Sessions

Selected by default, this option will display any floor sessions that may be happening in either house. Events of this type will contain the date, house, and location of the session. Clicking "View Agenda" will pull up a page like the one shown below.

Committee Hearings

By default, this filter is selected to show all committee hearing events in the given date range. Events of this type will contain the date, time, location, chair and description of the hearing.

To filter calendar events by hearings in a specific committee, use the dropdown menu to the right of the filter to select a specific committee.

Adding Events to Your Calendar

Located in the top right corner of each event's tile, the "Add to Calendar" button allows you to add any calendar event on Abstract to your personal calendar. Clicking on the button will display a dropdown menu where you can select the type of digital calendar that you would like to create the event for. Clicking on an option will redirect you out of Abstract to the event creation page of your selected calendar, where the calendar event's information has been filled in for you.

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