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Bill Lists

Stay on top of relevant bills by creating Bill Lists with saved searches.

Updated over 5 months ago

Bill Lists on Abstract, also known as reports, are essentially saved searches that update in real time. Bill Lists can be worked on by all members of your workspace and shared in multiple ways.

To create a Bill List from the "Library" page, simply click on the purple "Create New" button located on the top left corner of your page, and select "Bill List" from the dropdown menu. Name your Bill List, then click "Add Section" to get started.

Bill List Header

At the top of the page, you can fill in general information about the list including a title, description, and thumbnail.

Attaching a Thumbnail

To attach a thumbnail to your list, click on the page icon located at the top left corner of the page. Clicking on the icon will open your device's file directory where you can choose and upload a thumbnail for the list. This logo will be displayed in shared versions of your Bill List, including Public Comment and Shared Live Links.

Attaching Files

The "Attach Files" button will enable you to attach a file of your choosing from your device to the list. Note that the maximum file size allowed by Abstract is 1MB. You can attach up to 10 files to any Bill List.


Bill List Sections operate as saved searches. In the Edit Settings panel of each section, you can apply filters, keywords, and other search criteria to find bills of interest. Edit Settings has the same filters on the Search Page, with the addition of hearing events and sorting options.

Your Bill List is dynamic, so you always have the most up to date info: as bills are tagged or otherwise altered to meet your search criteria, they will automatically appear in your Bill List.

Creating & Editing a Section

To create a new section in your Bill List, simply click on the "Add Section" button located in the center of the page. This button may also be at the bottom of your window if you already have existing sections in your List.

List With a New Section

After creating your section, rename it by clicking on "Untitled Section" and typing your section title. Next, set the search criteria for your section by clicking "Edit Settings", which will open a page with a keyword search bar and several filters. Apply your search criteria. Make sure to click "Save."

The filters and searches operate similarly to the components on the Bill Search Page. However, sections are able to group bills that match the criteria by events or tags. Checking any of the boxes will group bills in your section based on what option you've selected.

Viewing Hearings in Bill Lists

Use your Bill List to stay on top of upcoming committee hearings for the bills you care about. Click Edit Settings and select "Set for Hearing," "Committee Hearing," and/or "Floor Session" and Save. Your Bill List will now display upcoming hearings in chronological order ahead of the corresponding bills, which you can add to your digital calendar.

Deleting a Section or List

To delete a section, simply navigate to the three dots located to the right of the section, and select the option to delete the component. To delete a List, do the same with the three dots located to the right of the screen above Comments.


To generate a printable PDF and/or CSV version of your list, click on the "Export" button in the top left corner of your screen. Note that the export process might take a few minutes depending on the size of your Bill List, after which the PDF or CSV file will be downloaded onto your device.


Sharing allows you to provide a live link to members outside of your Abstract workspace (like clients, colleagues, or committee members) who can view all changes and updates that happen to your Bill List in real time. To share your Bill List, click on the "Share" button to open the access level window.

List Sharing Window

All Bill Lists created in your workspace are private by default and are only available to you and your team. To obtain a shareable link to your List, switch the List's access level from "Private" to "Shared". Selecting "Shared" will generate a LiveLink, view-only version of your Bill List that updates in real time as changes are made to bills in your Bill List. Revoke access at any time by simply toggling back to "Private".


Much like Notes on Abstract, you can discuss your Bill Lists with your team using comments at the top of your List. These comments are only visible to members of your workspace.

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